Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Avengers Assemble!

The Marvel movie Avengers came out TODAY!!!
So I decided to talk about how amazing it is!!
It is such a good movie. So good that I can not decide who my favorite character is......
I mean there's Iron Man/Tony Stark who is pretty cool for lots of reasons.....
like he has AMAZING armor {I am so jealous!}
And then there's Captain America...... Who has a beautiful sheild...... Somewhat beautiful anyway.....
Also Thor who has MAGICAL POWERS!!
Then Bruce Banner...... Love how he turns into "A big green rage monster"......
And Hawkeye...... Who shoots a bow and arrow LIKE LEGOLAS!!!! {Except Hawkeye's arrows BLOW UP and stuff}
Lastly there's the Black Widow {Natasha Romanova..... whatever} who is amazing in every way.....
OH and we can't forget Loki! Well.....
I will end with this very deep thought:

1 comment:

  1. I love Thor! He's so cool! and Loki reminds me of Snape from Harry Potter....
